🗂️ Tools
Version 1.9.1 💾 5 Mb
📅 Updated January 1, 2022
Notify you of auspicious days and fortune-up dates, which are only a few days a year, and prevent them from being overlooked! You can check the opening date of each month on the calendar! Great for investment, gambling and big day reference!
Features レア吉日通知-貴重な開運日をカレンダーと通知で見逃し防止!
■アプリ紹介-----------------------------------「レア吉日通知」は1年に数日しかない貴重な吉日(一粒万倍日、天赦日、寅の日、大安、巳の日、己巳の日、新月、満月)を通知でお知らせします。・カレンダーでいつでも各レア吉日をチェックすることができます。・レアな吉日の当日、または前日に通知でお知らせしてくれます。・凶日(仏滅、不成就日、受死日)の通知や、カレンダーで確認することもできます。使い方は簡単!お好みで通知して欲しい時間を設定するだけ!たったこれだけで設定した時間に、レア吉日の通知を送ってくれます!■機能-----------------------------------・レア吉日・凶日の通知・カレンダーでレア吉日・凶日の確認 レア吉日が重なった『超レア吉日』もカレンダーで確認可能!・レア吉日・凶日についての説明■利用例-----------------------------------本アプリは「新しいことを始める場合」や「お金を使う時」に最良とされる貴重な開運日をお知らせしてくれるので最良の日を逃さず知ることができるようになります。>例えば・朝8時に「今日は〈寅の日〉」の通知が届く →寅の日は金運に最良の日だから…「投資の参考にしよう!」・前日夜9時に「明日は〈一粒万倍日〉」の通知が届く →一粒万倍日は手元のものが万倍に増える日だから…「宝くじを買おう!」「入籍する日にしよう!」■吉日紹介-----------------------------------「一粒万倍日」一粒万倍日(いちりゅうまんばいび・いちりゅうまんばいにち)は、一粒の籾(もみ)が万倍にも実る稲穂になり豊穣をもたらすと言う意味があります。この一粒万倍日は、手元にあるわずかな物で始めた事が何倍にも膨らむとされ、特に仕事始め、開店、種まきや、お金を出すのに最良であるとされています。宝くじの高額当選者もこの日を重要視すると言われるほど金運に縁がある吉日です。**********▽一粒万倍日に行うと良い事宝くじやロト購入お金の出費、投資種まき結婚、結納、入籍祝い事出生届開業、開店仕事始め銀行口座の開設財布の購入引越し大切な事を始める**********「天赦日」天赦日(てんしゃび・てんしゃにち)は、四季に各1回ずつある百神が天に昇り、天が万物の罪をゆるす日とされ、日本の暦のうえで最上の吉日です。大安などの吉日に比べて数が少ないのでとても希少。新しいことを始めるのに最適な日です。**********▽天赦日に行うと良い事種まき結婚、結納、入籍祝い事出生届開業、開店仕事始め銀行口座の開設財布の購入引越し大切な事を始める**********「寅の日」寅の日(とらのひ)は、十二支の寅にあたる日で、12日ごとに1か月に2~3回は巡ってくる金運の吉日です。 虎が一瞬で「千里往って千里還る」と言われることから『寅の日』に旅行に出かけると安全に帰ることができるとされます。また、虎の黄色い縞模様は金運の象徴でもあるため「出て行ったお金が戻ってくる」という験担ぎもあります。吉日の中でも最も金運に縁がある日で、金運招来日ともいわれています。*****▽寅の日に行うと良い事旅行初漁や船下し宝くじやロトの購入財布の使い始め金運にまつわること**********「大安」大安(たいあん、だいあん)は、1日ごとに順番で巡ってきて、その日の吉凶や運勢が定められる「六曜」の一つで、中でも最も良いとされる日です。「大いに安し」という意味があり、万事に良い日とされています。「六曜」で最も良いとされる日です。*****▽大安に行うと良い事・結婚、結納、入籍・祝い事・出生届・開業、開店・仕事始め・引越し・大切な事を始める**********「巳の日」巳の日(みのひ)は、十二支の巳にあたる日で、12日ごとに1か月に2~3回は巡ってくる金運の吉日です。巳は蛇を表し、山の神・水の神・そして神の遣いともいわれています。中でも白蛇に願い事をすると願いが弁財天に届けられるといわれることから、巳の日は財運・幸運を呼ぶ日とされています。*****▽巳の日に行うと良いとされること財布の購入宝くじ購入銀行口座を開設する商売繁盛を祈願する神社(弁財天様)へ参拝するお金にまつわることをする*****「己巳の日」己巳の日(つちのとみのひ)は、60日周期で訪れる干支の中の吉日で、1年間に6日ほどあります。特別な巳の日で、通常の蛇の日よりも更に縁起のいい吉日とされています。この日は巳の日同様に弁財天の縁日で、60日に一度しかやってこないことで大いにご利益を期待できます。*****▽己巳の日に行うと良いとされること財布の購入宝くじ購入銀行口座を開設する神社(弁財天様)へ参拝するお金にまつわることをする*****「新月」新月は満月に向かってどんどん膨らんでいくためにエネルギーがスタートする時とされ、特別なパワー・エネルギーがあると信じられてきました。その為、新月の日は新しい計画や願い事に適した時とされています。*****▽新月に行うと良いとされること新しい事を始める願い事をする企画をする計画を立てる好きな人を誘う・告白する*****「満月」満月の日は達成・完了のエネルギーを得られる日とされています。そのため、解放したい事を手放すのに適した時といわれています。また、満月に向かって財布を振ることによって金運が向上するといわれています。*****▽満月に行うと良いとされること大掃除をする悪習慣をやめる良くない環境・感情を切り替える不要なものを処分する満月に向かって財布を振る*****レア吉日通知アプリで、運気アップのタイミングを逃さずとらえましょう。 ■ App introduction -----------------------------------"Rare good day notice" is A precious good day with only a few days a year (one grain ten thousand times day, heavenly day, tiger day, Daan, snake day, Yin earth snake day) , New moon, full moon) will be notified by notification.・ You can check each rare good day at any time on the calendar .・ You will be notified by notification on the day of the rare good day or the day before.・ You can also check the notification of bad days (Buddhas death, unfulfilled day, death day) and the calendar.
Easy to use!
Just set the time you want to be notified as you like!With just this, you will be notified of rare good days at the set time!
■ Functions -----------------------------------・ Notification of rare good days and bad days・ Check rare good days and bad days on the calendar You can also check the "super rare good days" with overlapping rare good days on the calendar!
・ Explanation about rare good days and bad days ■ Usage example -----------------------------------This app will inform you of the best and valuable good luck days when you start a new thing or when you spend money, so you will be able to know the best day without missing it.> For example ・ At 8 am, you will receive a notification of "Today is "→ Toras day is the best day for good luck ...
"Lets use it as a reference for investment!"・ At 9 oclock the night before, you will receive a notification of "Tomorrow is "→ Because one grain ten thousand times day is the day when the number of things at hand increases ten thousand times ...
"Lets buy a lottery ticket!" "Lets enroll!" ■ Introduction to Yoshiday ----------------------------------- "One grain ten thousand times a day" One grain ten thousand times a day (Ichiryu Manbaibi, Ichiryu Manbai Nichi) means that one grain of paddy (fir) becomes a rice ear that grows ten thousand times and brings a good harvest.It is said that this one-grain ten thousand times day will expand many times from what you started with the few things you have at hand, especially for starting work, opening a store, sowing seeds, and making money.It is a good day with good luck so that even the big lottery winners will place importance on this day.********** ▽ It is good to do it every ten thousand times a dayBuy lottery tickets and lottery ticketsSpending money, investingSowing seedsMarriage, marriage, enrollmentCelebrationBirth certificateOpening, openingStart workOpening a bank accountPurse purchasemovingStart something important ********** "Temporary Day" Tenshabi / Tensha-nichi is the day when one hundred gods ascend to heaven once each season and the heavens forgive the sins of all things, which is the best day on the Japanese calendar.
..It is very rare because the number is small compared to good days such as Daan.
Its a great day to start something new.********** ▽ Good things to do on the day of heavenSowing seedsMarriage, marriage, enrollmentCelebrationBirth certificateOpening, openingStart workOpening a bank accountPurse purchasemovingStart something important ********** "Tigers Day" Tora-no-hi is the day of the twelve zodiac tigers, and is a good day of good luck that goes around every 12 days two to three times a month.It is said that a tiger can return safely if he goes on a trip on "Tigers Day" because it is said that he goes back and forth in a thousand miles in an instant.In addition, the yellow striped pattern of the tiger is also a symbol of good luck, so there is also a trial that "the money that went out will be returned".It is the day when money is most closely related to the good luck, and it is also called the day when money is invited.***** ▽ Good things to do on the day of the tigertripFirst fishing and unloadingBuy lottery tickets and lottery ticketsStart using your walletFortune ********** "Daian" Daian is one of the "Rokuyo" where the good and bad luck and fortune of the day are determined by visiting in turn every day, and it is the best day.It means "greatly cheap" and is considered a good day for everything.
It is the best day of "Rokuyo".***** ▽ Good things to do in Daan・ Marriage, marriage, enrollment・ Celebration・ Birth registration・ Opening, opening・ Start work·moving・ Start important things ********** "Snake Day" Minohi is the day of the Zodiac, which is a good day of good luck that goes around every 12 days two to three times a month.
The snake represents a snake, and is also called the mountain god, the water god, and the gods messenger.Above all, it is said that if you make a wish to the white snake, the wish will be delivered to Benzaiten, so the day of the snake is said to be a day to bring good luck and good luck.***** ▽ What is good to do on the day of the SnakePurse purchaseLottery purchaseOpen a bank accountPray for business prosperityVisit a shrine (Benzaiten)Do things related to money ***** "Yin Earth Snake" Yin Earth Snake is a good day in the zodiac that visits every 60 days, and there are about 6 days a year.
It is a special day of the snake, and it is said to be an auspicious day even more than a normal snake day.This day is the fair day of Benzaiten, just like the day of the Snake, and you can expect great benefits by coming only once every 60 days.***** ▽ What is good to do on Yin Earth SnakePurse purchaseLottery purchaseOpen a bank accountVisit a shrine (Benzaiten)Do things related to money ***** "New Moon" The new moon is considered to be the time when energy starts to swell toward the full moon, and it has been believed that there is special power energy.
Therefore, the day of the new moon is considered to be a suitable time for new plans and wishes.***** ▽ What is good to do in the new moonStart a new thingmake a wishMake a planmake a planInvite and confess your favorite person ***** "Full moon" The day of the full moon is considered to be the day when the energy of achievement and completion can be obtained.
Therefore, it is said that it is a good time to let go of what you want to release.
It is also said that shaking your wallet toward the full moon will improve your fortune.***** ▽ What is good to do in the full moonClean upStop bad habitsSwitch between bad environment and emotionsDispose of unnecessary thingsShake your wallet towards the full moon ***** Lets catch the timing of luck up with the rare good day notification app.
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